Welcome to the Channel

We are a community of progressive Christians, who are cultivating deep, inclusive spaces to explore faith.

Physically and Neurologically Different
And Equally Loved

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A picture of a zoom meeting with 15 rectangular pictures of smiling people
  • 2024 General Conference Allows United Methodists to Move Toward Justice

    Removal of Harmful Language Historic decisions ended a 50+ year long stance against LGBTQ people by an overwhelming majority vote of 523 to 161. This effectively ended the United Methodist Church’s exclusion of our queer…

  • Zoe Empowers

    “Zoe Empowers” empowers orphaned children and youth-led, vulnerable families to overcome poverty, move beyond charity, and experience meaningful lives. Through a global network of local organizations, Zoe Empowers provides a scalable and sustainable framework in…

  • Social Action on Creation Justice

    Check out these resources from Methodists for Social Action on Creation justice. If you follow the post to the bottom, there are some links for action within the UMC, and news about action that is…